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NIO may launch a smartwatch, is hiring a product manager

NIO may launch a smartwatch, is hiring a product manager

It is learned from media outlet Tech Planet, recently, NIO has posted job postings in the field of smartwatches on recruitment website. The job title is Smartwatch Product Manager.


According to the recruitment information, the responsibilities of this position include outputting competitive product concepts, ensuring product competitiveness, and leading product selling points for marketing and sales.

In the qualifications, it is written that the position needs to have at least 3 years of experience in product planning of wearable products from first-tier manufacturers, and relevant experience in the intelligent hardware industry is a plus.

It is worth mentioning that NIO has previously entered the mobile phone market. According to media reports, Yi Wei, the former senior vice president of Meitu Mobile, has joined the NIO mobile phone team as the head of the software department. According to people familiar with the matter, NIO’s mobile phone team has more than 300 people, and the background of employees includes OPPO, Meitu and Huawei.