eastwest connect

BYD’s October sales exceeded 200,000 vehicles, three times that of Tesla China

BYD’s October sales exceeded 200,000 vehicles, three times that of Tesla China

On November 3, BYD announced that the sales of new energy vehicles in October were 217,800 units, a year-on-year increase of 168.78%. This is also that after September, BYD’s monthly sales exceeded 200,000 units again. This year, the cumulative sales volume is about 1.4 million, a year-on-year increase of 233.92%.

Due to the frequent occurrence of local pandemic recently, a large number of new pandemic-related cities have been added, and national pandemic prevention and control have been strengthened again. Under the current pandemic situation, BYD can still maintain its current sales performance, which shows the stability of its supply chain.

It is worth mentioning that BYD sold a total of 9,529 new energy passenger vehicles overseas in October, a month-on-month increase of 23.18%, of which 7,130 BYD Yuan were exported. Just in October, BYD Yuan PLUS was listed for sales in Thailand, Nepal and Mongolia, and also appeared in Laos, India and Colombia.

Data show that Tesla China sold 71,704 vehicles in October, a year-on-year increase of 31.83%, but a month-on-month decrease of 13.75%. However, due to the lower-than-expected sales volume, Tesla China officially announced on October 24 that it will adjust the prices of five major models, including the domestic Model 3 rear-drive version, high-performance version, and Model Y rear-drive version, long-range version, and high-performance version. Among them, the Model Y long-range version has the largest price reduction, with a drop of 37,000 yuan or 9.37%; the Model 3 rear-drive version has the smallest price drop of 14,000 yuan or 5%.