eastwest connect

XPeng issued the first ABS on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, with a total scale of nearly 1 billion yuan

XPeng issued the first ABS on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, with a total scale of nearly 1 billion yuan

On November 4, XPeng announced on its official Weibo account that it has recently successfully issued the “Guojun-Shengang-Xpeng Financial Leasing Phase 1 Green Asset Support Special Plan (Carbon Neutral) (Specialized and New)”.

Xpeng revealed that the original owner of the issuance is Guangzhou XPeng Financial Leasing Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Xpeng Motors.
The total project size is 964 million yuan, the priority A-level (AAA rating) issuance scale is 805 million yuan, the note rate is 2.8%, and the expected maturity date is September 13, 2024; The issuance scale of priority B (rating AA+) is 39 million yuan, the note rate is 3.0%, and the expected maturity date is November 14, 2024.