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XPeng responds to rumors of price cuts: just adjusted the benefit-rights structure

XPeng responds to rumors of price cuts: just adjusted the benefit-rights structure

It is learned on November 15 from Zhongxin News Network, recently, there are rumors that XPeng has followed up Tesla’s price cuts. In addition to the new car G9, the final payment of G3i, P5, and P7 will be reduced by 14,000-20,000 yuan. At the same time, some special vehicles with long storage age will also be launched for special discounts.

In this regard, the relevant person in charge of XPeng responded to Zhongxin Finance and Economics, saying that this time it only adjusted the rights structure and increased the proportion of the final payment. Compared with before, the total benefit-rights of each model is flat or slightly lower, so there is no such thing as a price cut.

Previously, with regard to the preferential information of XPeng, it is reported that as early as July, XPeng launched terminal discount activities. The final payment of XPeng car can be reduced by 5,000 to 10,000 yuan. Some models also provide optional rights ranging from 3,000 yuan to 10,000 yuan. According to several offline sales staff of XPeng, the discounts at XPeng’s offline stores lasted from mid-July to mid-August. Except for the P7 Pengyi version, almost all major models have cash discounts. There may be direct discount of 5000~10000 yuan in the form of final payment. In terms of optional rights, a maximum of 10,000 yuan may be given in optional points (1 point = 1 yuan). The total discount of cash price reduction and gift optional rights can be up to 20,000 yuan.