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NIO reported the first batch of NIO ET7 delivery to Swedish users

It is reported on November 17 by NIO, on November 15, NIO began to deliver the first batch of ET7 to users and friends in Sweden, opening a new horizon together.

The following is the content reported by NIO.

In Stockholm, we delivered a space black ET7 to the first user in Sweden, Jens Hagman.

“I like the NIO ET7 for several reasons, first and foremost perhaps the looks. It’s understated but still very stylish.”

Jens’ baby is just a few months old, and he thinks range is especially important to his family. He mentioned that when he used to drive an electric car, mileage anxiety caused him a lot of trouble. Now the arrival of ET7 makes him no longer feel anxious, and he is looking forward to the upcoming 150-degree battery in 2023.


The second Swedish user, Johan Lind, chose a cloud white ET7.
Niklas Gustafson, our head of user operations, and several fellows came to Johan’s office and delivered the car to him.

Johan has always loved trying new things. He says:

“I like that you can easily swap the battery – I heard that the first Power Swap station is opening soon. Keep expanding, I’m looking forward to a growing network!”

In the future, more users and friends will start their stories with ET7. We also expect more ET7s to appear on the streets of Sweden and welcome the future with our friends.