eastwest connect

NIO reported the official launch of Sweden’s first battery swap power station

It is reported by NIO, on November 17, Sweden’s first battery swap station was officially launched in Varberg. Two days ago, we delivered the first batch of ET7 to Swedish users. With the first battery swap station put into use, users will start a new experience of battery swapping.


Sweden’s first battery swap station is located next to the busy E6 highway between Gothenburg and Malmö. While providing battery swap services for urban users, it also allows users traveling between Gothenburg and Malmö to enjoy more convenient high-speed energy replenishment experience.

Varberg, located on the west coast of Sweden, is the most popular beach and surfing destination in Sweden and Europe. The Varberg coastline consists of wide sandy to rocky terrain and continues north to the scenic Bohuslän archipelago, all the way to the North Cape. Many people travel here every year, and they are attracted by the sea, natural scenery, history and culture here.

Kajsa lvansson-Sogne, head of Weilai Energy Sweden, also attended the opening ceremony and said: Through our power station, we have realized that electric vehicles can be recharged as fast as gasoline vehicles. The process is smoother.

At the scene, we witnessed the whole process of Weilai’s battery replacement, which left a deep impression on the users, friends and partners who participated in the scene.

In the future, more power stations will meet with Swedish users. We look forward to sharing the stories of Swedish users and battery replacement with you, and welcoming the future with friends.