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Spy photo of BYD’s brand new pickup exposed, expected to debut next year

A few days ago, at the rolling-off ceremony of BYD’s 3 millionth new energy vehicle, Wang Chuanfu, chairman and president of BYD Co., Ltd., announced the brand structure plan of BYD Group, and will launch a new professional and personalized brand in the future.

With the exposure of the news, some netizens recently took a spy photo of a BYD pickup truck model. It is speculated that BYD’s professional and personalized new brand may be a brand that will lay out the pickup truck market, and the new vehicle is expected to be unveiled next year, according to auto media Aika Car.

(Source of spy photo: 头条@迅哥儿2008)

The spy photos exposed this time have been fully camouflaged, and it is impossible to see more details. Judging from the shape of the body, the new vehicle will adopt a double-row cockpit layout. In addition, BYD pickups may belong to a new professional and personalized brand, so it speculated that this pickup will be more customized in the future, and users can customize it according to their needs.