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EHang reported its AAV series models showcased at 2022 China Aviation Industry Conference

(Source: Jiangxi Radio and Television Station Jiangxi Satellite TV News)


It is reported on November 27 by EHang, from November 25th to 27th, the 2022 China Aviation Industry Conference and Nanchang Flight Conference was held in Nanchang Aviation Science and Technology City.

The conference was guided by the China Association for Science and Technology and the Civil Aviation Administration of China, co-hosted by the Jiangxi Provincial People’s Government and the Chinese Aeronautical Society. It aims to expand the new space for the high-quality development of the aviation industry by building a high-level cooperation and exchange platform, and promote the country to accelerate the realization of the mission of becoming an aviation power.

Ye Jianchun, deputy secretary of the Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee and governor, attended the event and announced the opening.
Zhao Yuerang, General Manager of COMAC, Li Hongjun, Member of the Standing Committee of the Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Nanchang Municipal Party Committee, and Lin Zuoming, Chairman of the Chinese Aeronautical Society delivered speeches respectively.
Ren Zhufeng, Member of the Standing Committee of the Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee and Vice Governor, presided over the event.

2022 China Aviation Industry Conference and Nanchang Flight Conference Opening Ceremony

As one of the important business cards of the aviation industry in Jiangxi Province, the China Aviation Industry Conference has been successfully held in Jiangxi for three sessions. A large number of “high-tech” aviation products representing the world’s advanced level have all appeared on the stage.

EHang was invited to participate in the aviation enterprise exhibition. EH216-S passenger-class autonomous aircraft, EH216-F autonomous aircraft applied to high-rise firefighting, and EH216-L autonomous aircraft applied to short- and medium-distance air logistics exhibited at this conference, showing to the public the comprehensive application of intelligent and environmentally friendly autonomous aircraft in various low-altitude scenarios such as manned transportation, tourism, logistics transportation, medical rescue, fire emergency, etc., and letting the public intuitively feel the convenience and changes that urban air mobility ecology brings to life.

EHang EH216-S, EH216-F, EH216-L three aircrafts jointly exhibited

Before the opening ceremony, Ye Jianchun, deputy secretary of the Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee and governor of Jiangxi Province, visited the EHang exhibition area, exchanged details on the research and development of cutting-edge technologies in the aviation industry, learned about the application of EHang’s intelligent passenger autonomous aircraft in many fields, and boarded the EH216-S to experience the technological charm of the manned autonomous aircraft up close.

Fang Xin, Chief Operating Officer of EHang, accompanied and explained, comprehensively reporting on the progress of EHang’s autonomous aircraft in low-altitude tourism, urban high-rise fire emergency, and short- and medium-distance air logistics, as well as the development of Jiangxi’s low-altitude economy and the progress of airworthiness certification.

Ye Jianchun, Deputy Secretary of the Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee and Governor of Jiangxi Province, inspected the EHang exhibition area and took a ride

Fang Xin said at the on-site reporting:
“Recently, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) held the 2022 Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS) Symposium in Montreal, Canada. Representatives from many well-known electric vertical take-off and landing vehicle (eVTOL) companies around the world conducted in-depth discussions on the topic of airworthiness certification of new aircraft. EHang, as the only Chinese company invited, shared its experience in the airworthiness certification of EH216-S manned self-driving electric aircraft at the conference, providing Chinese solutions and Chinese wisdom for the construction of international airworthiness standards for civil aviation electric aircraft.”

EHang sharing EH216-S airworthiness certification experience at the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)

Jiangxi is the birthplace of New China’s aviation industry, where the first aircraft and the first multi-purpose civil aircraft of New China were born. During the “14th Five-Year Plan” period, Jiangxi Province proposed to cultivate and form a “four-in-one” industrial system of aviation manufacturing, civil aviation transportation, aviation services, and airport economy, and build an important base for the national aviation industry.

As the country’s first batch of low-altitude airspace management reform pilot expansion provinces, Jiangxi has continuously strengthened the high-quality leapfrog development of the aviation industry and continued to promote the construction of a strong aviation province.

The unique basic advantages also provide fertile soil for the development of urban air mobility, a new type of aviation industry. The arrival of EHang’s autonomous aircraft will undoubtedly contribute to the innovation and development of Jiangxi’s aviation industry in the future and add vitality.


EHang EH216-S Test Flight in Wuning, Jiangxi