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CAAC issued notice for soliciting comments on “General Requirements for Civil Unmanned Aircraft Logistics Operation – Part 1: Island Scenario”

It is learned from CAAC, on November 25, the Airworthiness Department of the Civil Aviation Administration issued a notice for soliciting comments on “General Requirements for Civilian Unmanned Aircraft Logistics Operation Part 1: Island Scenario (Draft for Comment)” (hereafter referred to as the document), which is used as industry standards. The deadline for soliciting comments is December 20, 2022.



The document was proposed by the Flight Standard Department of the Civil Aviation Administration of China, and under the jurisdiction of the Academy of Aeronautical Sciences.

It is drafted by:
Academy of Aeronautical Sciences,
Second Institute of Civil Aviation,
Fengyi Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. (a subsidiary of SF Express),
EHang Intelligent Equipment (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd.,
Shanghai Xinjinshan Century Aviation Development Co., Ltd.,
Beijing Yuanfei Technology Co., Ltd.,
Shanghai Fengfei Aviation Technology Co., Ltd., etc.

The document is compiled in accordance with the principle of operating scenarios and based on operating risks, with full investigation into the actual situation of Fengyi, Fengfei, EHang, Jinshan UAV test area and other entities using UAV for logistics delivery in island scenario.

It specifies the general requirements for the operation of civil unmanned aircraft systems (hereinafter referred to as “UAV”) used in island scenarios for logistics, including operator requirements and operational requirements. It covers the operator, operating procedures and manuals, UAV systems, operating environment and take-off and landing sites, operational control, communication assurance, navigation and radio requirements, etc.

This document is applicable to the use of small, medium and large UAVs to carry out over-the-horizon logistics operations in island scenes in China.

The standard so-called “island scenario” refers to cross-sea flight operations performed in the over-the-horizon scene of fixed territories on islands and coasts. It is required that one of the take-off points or landing points is located on and near islands, reefs (including peninsulas), fixed sea facilities.