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NIO official announcement for NIO Day 2022 | Feel the Light


It is learned from NIO, on December 7, NIO announced NIO Day 2022.


It is an annual gathering where we share joy with our users
It is also the stage for NIO to release new products of the year

In 2022, the world is still full of challenges
In this age of uncertainty
Everyone who lives seriously
Is the light that illuminates ordinary life

Can warm yourself and illuminate others
Is always optimistic attitude towards life
Is an expression of kindness towards others
Is also the hope of sticking to the faith and looking forward to the future

Since the first NIO Day was held in 2017
We have created a better future together with users in the community
Witnessed countless unforgettable moments


Love the light of life, gather here
With optimism, goodwill, hope
Feel every moment of life with your heart
Illuminate each other, move forward warmly
December 24
NIO Day 2022
It will be officially held in Hefei Binhu International Convention and Exhibition Center

This year’s NIO Day registration channel is now open
Follow @用户大当家 on the NIO App to learn more about registration details

NIO Day 2022
Feel the Light
Looking forward to working with you to gather the light of life
Light up the future with optimism, goodwill and hope