eastwest connect

With a total investment of US$120 million, Luckin Coffee’s Jiangsu roasting base started construction in Kunshan

With a total investment of US$120 million, Luckin Coffee’s Jiangsu roasting base started construction in Kunshan

On December 16, Luckin Coffee (Jiangsu) Roasting Base officially broke ground in Kunshan, according to Shanghai Securities News.

This base is Luckin Coffee’s second fully automatic and intelligent roasting base independently invested and built after the Fujian roasting base was put into production, which will further help Luckin Coffee improve the layout of the upstream supply chain.

“Investing in the construction of a coffee industry chain project in Kunshan fully demonstrates the strong momentum of Luckin’s industrial development.” The leader of Kunshan city said.
Luckin Coffee is one of the chain coffee brands with the largest number of coffee stores in China. It continues to innovate in the coffee industry layout and business model. It has extensive and in-depth cooperation with high-quality suppliers in various fields around the world. It is also one of the largest green bean importers in China.

Kunshan has ranked first among the top 100 counties in the country for 18 consecutive years. It has gathered more than 100 leading international coffee companies, forming two major characteristics of “whole industry chain” and “internationalization”. The establishment of Luckin Coffee (Jiangsu) baking base is due to the common philosophy and common goal of both parties. Kunshan will continue to uphold the “Kun Ruyi” service concept, and strive to create the most prosperous industrial environment, the most superior business environment, and the most convenient trade environment for enterprises.

It is understood that the Luckin Coffee (Jiangsu) baking base is located in the Kunshan Comprehensive Bonded Zone, with a planned total investment of 120 million US dollars. As Luckin’s second fully automatic intelligent baking base, the new base has fully introduced core equipment such as the Italian BRAMBATI baking system and ICA coffee bean packaging machine.

In addition, as one of Luckin Coffee’s sustainable development strategy implementation projects, Luckin Coffee (Jiangsu) Roasting Base will also implement green and low-carbon throughout the production process, contributing to the green and low-carbon development of China’s coffee industry.

Guo Jinyi, chairman and CEO of Luckin Coffee, said that in the future, Luckin Coffee will continue to focus on the coffee track, adhering to the principle of “creating a world-class coffee brand, let Luckin become a part of people’s daily life” corporate vision, and strive to provide customers with high-quality, cost-effective, and convenient products and services. At the same time, Luckin will also work hard to continuously promote the improvement of the level of China’s coffee industry chain and the efficiency of the supply chain, and help the high-quality development of China’s coffee industry to achieve steady and long-term development.

It is reported that the Luckin Coffee (Jiangsu) roasting base is planned to be completed and officially put into production in 2024. The annual roasting, production and processing of coffee beans can reach 30,000 tons. At that time, Luckin will rely on the two major baking bases in Jiangsu and Fujian to form a self-processing and baking supply network with an annual production capacity of more than 45,000 tons, and supply higher-quality and fresher coffee to 7,846 stores across the country.