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2022 Carbon Neutral Forum | Alibaba will use its technological advantages and platform value to help achieve the goal of carbon reduction

2022 Carbon Neutral Forum | Alibaba will use its technological advantages and platform value to help achieve the goal of carbon reduction

It is reported on December 19 by 21st Century Economy, the 2022 Carbon Neutral Forum of the 17th 21st Century Asian Financial Annual Conference organized by the 21st Century Economic Research Institute was held. The theme of the forum is “How to discover new value and new opportunities from goal to implementation of ‘Double Carbon’”.

On the forum, Yang Lingye, General Manager of ESG and Double Carbon of Alibaba Group and member of Alibaba Sustainable Development Management Committee, said: According to the statistics of this year’s “Double 11” shopping festival, the sales of green, low-carbon and friendly products have exceeded 1.5 million. At the same time, more than 15 million consumers choose to buy green products. This also means that people have a more pragmatic outlook on consumption.

Yang Lingye said that Ali, as a technology platform enterprise, will practice and explore two responsibilities under the national “dual carbon” strategic goal, one is technological advantages, and the other is platform value.

At the level of “double carbon” empowered by technology, Alibaba has carried out actions in three aspects.

First of all, Alibaba is committed to building a green Alibaba Cloud. According to Yang Lingye, in Alibaba’s carbon neutrality action report released last December, Alibaba promised to achieve the neutralization of Alibaba Cloud in scopes 1, 2, and 3, and bring green clouds to all enterprises using Alibaba Cloud.

Secondly, in the field of logistics, Ali also uses digital technology to continuously improve the utilization rate of packaging and optimize the path of logistics. For example, Cainiao Parcel, Ali has launched a digital package management tool based on electronic face sheets to replace traditional logistics. So far, 100 billion packages have used electronic face sheets. In addition, Ali also used intelligent algorithms to optimize the packaging solution, reducing the loss of packaging materials by 15% for 530 million packages.

Finally, Ali also provides carbon footprint measurement and smart energy management.
Yang Lingye said that carbon emission trading is an important mechanism for using the market economy to promote environmental protection. The premise of carbon trading is to have a very scientific carbon measurement method to calculate the carbon footprint. To this end, Ali has launched products such as energy saving treasure for enterprises to help enterprises measure their carbon footprints. At the same time, in the calculation process, the energy efficiency is improved through intelligent management. According to the data, this can save 10% of the electricity usage.

In addition, Ali has also made corresponding actions in terms of exerting the value of the platform. “In addition to the value of technology, we are also practicing and exploring the corporate value of the platform side, building a sustainable digital economy infrastructure, and on this basis, we will give full play to the power of the platform to drive a win-win and healthy ecology.” Yang Lingye said.

Ali faces the world, pioneeringly proposed the goal of Scope 3+, and built a measurement system to achieve Scope 3+. According to Yang Lingye, Ali promised to reduce ecological carbon by 1.5 billion tons by 2035. The premise of driving this carbon reduction is to use a scientific measurement method to calculate the carbon reduction on the enterprise side and the individual side.

“Alibaba has very rich carbon reduction scenarios, including the carrier for individuals to practice low-carbon lifestyles. For example, in the second-hand goods transaction of Xianyu, Gaode can plan low-carbon travel, and the food delivery platform Ele.me can reduce the use of disposable chopsticks in the process of ordering food. In these respects, Ali, as a platform, naturally has rich carbon reduction scenarios. “Yang Lingye said.

In order to enable these application scenarios to effectively help users build a low-carbon life concept, it is understood that on August 8, 2022, Ali released the 88 carbon account system, covering Taobao, Ele.me, Xianyu, Cainiao, AutoNavi and other apps, encourage users to practice a low-carbon lifestyle with incentives.

Yang Lingye said that Ali built such a personal carbon account platform, on the one hand, because the carbon emissions of the entire residents account for 40% of the country’s total carbon emissions, and this proportion is still rising. On the other hand, with the continuous strengthening of individual carbon reduction actions, the carbon reduction value can be continuously transmitted to the upstream of the supply chain and value chain, thereby driving the providers of goods and services to participate in carbon reduction actions. As a result, the carbon reduction effect will be further transmitted to various enterprises and industries, forming a close connection between upstream and downstream.

“On the personal side, as of July 2022, we have more than 20 million users actively participating in carbon reduction and practicing green lifestyles in their daily lives.”
Yang Lingye said that on the merchant side, in July 2022, Ali first launched a carbon reduction friendly action plan with 19 companies in the consumer sector. This action plan is dedicated to discovering brands in the consumer sector, setting a benchmark for carbon reduction for more companies.