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NIO reviewed its NIO Day 2022, Feel the Light


NIO released a review of NIO Day 2022 on December 24.

On December 24th, at NIO Day 2022, we spent an unforgettable time with users and friends, reviewing the wonderful moments of the scene together, Feel the Light.


NIO EC7 and new ES8 released

Smart electric flagship coupe SUV—NIO EC7, with a stretched and smooth coupe SUV back curve, dual-mode active lift tail, the lowest drag coefficient of mass-produced SUVs in the world, and standard intelligent multi-beam headlights…every angle, every detail, all interpret the elegance of NIO to the extreme, and let you feel the power of elegance.

The all-scenario smart electric flagship SUV—the new ES8, integrates calm appearance, powerful performance, intelligent driving, high-end space, comfortable seats, and immersive experience to meet the full-scene needs of work, family, socializing and exploration. Redefine Prime, calm and moderate.

The third generation power station was officially released

The battery replacement speed is faster, the service capability is stronger, the battery replacement is smarter, and the interaction between the website and the network is more efficient. Full deployment will begin in March 2023, and we will witness the new battery swap experience together.

500kW ultra-fast charging pile officially released

With a peak charging power of 500kW and a maximum charging current of 660A, charging from 10% to 80% takes only 20 minutes for 400V models and 12 minutes for 800V models. It is also equipped with an ultra-light liquid-cooled charging cable, which weighs less than half of the traditional charging cable, and users can easily complete the charging operation with one hand.

Li Ronghao returned to his hometown after nine years of debut, using music to gather warmth and strength

Twenty years of building a dream road, he composes the brilliance of life with persistence and love. Musician Li Ronghao sang the hit singles “Young and Promising”, “Li Bai” and “Composer” on the stage of NIO Day with the original intention of music, using music to gather the warmth of ordinary life.


Charity bazaar for users, warm neighborhoods to convey love

This year’s outfield, NIO users across the country have created a warm and caring public welfare market together. All proceeds from the charity sale will be donated to the Anhui Charity Federation, and the NIO User Trust will also match the donation one-to-one.

2022 NIO Band, singing the theme song “Feel the Light”

NIO Band, composed of 12 users including ES8 owner Huang Yida, sang this year’s theme song “Feel the Light” together. Tell the story of the twilight in the NIO community with singing, sing the praises of every shining moment of life, and convey the power of warmth.


User story movie, interpreting the light in the ordinary world

Life is in various forms, as long as you live seriously, you will eventually reap your own beauty. Three real stories from NIO users were presented. We can feel that each of them is living seriously, and they are the light that illuminates our ordinary world.


More than 1,400 users participated in co-creation, producing another wonderful NIO Day

Including bands, advisory groups, and volunteers, a total of more than 1,400 users participated in the co-creation of the national event this year. It is your talent and enthusiasm that make NIO Day unique. Among them, more than 700 user volunteers participated in the organization and reception of NIO Day, overcoming many difficulties, especially not easy, thank you for your efforts.

NIO Day 2022 has officially ended, and our story continues. Feel the Light, everyone who lives seriously, works hard, and is full of kindness is a ray of light in the ordinary world.