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BYD released stats in its 2022 Green Travel Report | total mileage of 19.4 billion km by BYD EV car owners in 2022

BYD released stats in its 2022 Green Travel Report | total mileage of 19.4 billion km by BYD EV car owners in 2022

On December 27, BYD released 2022 BYD Green Travel Report.

According to the report, in 2022, the total mileage of BYD pure electric car owners reached 19.4 billion kilometers, which is equivalent to saving 940,000 tons of fuel.

In 2022, the total charging power of BYD car owners reached 3.1 billion kWh, and the total charging times of BYD car owners reached 270 million times in 2022.

By 2022, BYD car owners have traveled across more than half of China and checked in 369 cities. The top 3 cities that BYD owners love to check in are Shenzhen, Guangzhou, and Shanghai.

In terms of smart travel, in 2022, BYD car owners spent 300 million hours online, used mobile phones to remotely unlock and unlock 270 million times, and used high-temperature disinfection and sterilization functions 246,000 times.

In addition, the most commonly used BYD Auto App cloud service function is to unlock the car door. In 2022, BYD car owners unlocked to provide vehicle authorization for 970,000 partners.