eastwest connect

XPeng: The new year opens a new experience, and the first OTA of XPeng G9 brings a lot of surprises!

As reported by XPeng on December 27, XPeng G9 ushered in the first OTA upgrade of the whole vehicle after its launch, and the corresponding version number of Xmart OS is 4.1.0.

In the new version, full-scene voice 2.0 is fully open, including full-time dialogue, multi-person dialogue and other functions, providing users with a more natural and efficient in-vehicle voice experience. At the same time, it also brings different degrees of experience optimization in terms of fast charging, driving control, and smart cockpit, so as to create a more comfortable and intelligent travel experience through continuous evolution.

XPeng G9 Xmart OS 4.1.0

The first upgrade of G9 brings multi-dimensional capability improvement

Covering intelligent voice, excellent driving control, fast charging, intelligent auxiliary

Driving assistance and many other aspects

Vehicle OTA, so that the smart car is always updated


Full scene voice 2.0

The industry’s first full-vehicle full-time dialogue

Talking to Little P is faster and more free from now on

– Any time can say

Voice assistant is always on call

Four zones can be used without wake word

Interact with Little P’s time length unlimited voice
If little P does not respond to commands occasionally
Just say “Little P” within 5 seconds after the command is issued
Little P will execute the instruction just issued

The online voice assistant makes the interaction more natural and efficient


– Anyone can say at any time

Unique MIMO multi-tone technology

Sitting in any position, you can give instructions to Little P at any time

Regardless of whether other people are using the voice

Little P can also respond with a voice through the speaker closest to you

It’s like having your own voice assistant

The upgraded Little P can understand semantically continuous conversations from different occupants

When a passenger says “turn on seat massage”
Another passenger just needs to say “me too”
Little P can understand and meet the needs of them

The fully advanced Little P has more surprises waiting for you to discover

Comprehensively improve more than 20 voice experiences such as fast dialogue, parallel command, non-network dialogue, voice car control, etc.

Reply to wake up within 700ms

Text feedback execution result

Higher recognition accuracy

If you can see, you can say

Support for conversation omissions

Extremely fast charging, visible to the naked eye

Increase the charging speed from 80% to 100% at room temperature

Comparing the efficiency between added extreme charging and normal charging fully shows the advantages of the 800V platform

The charging map display is more intuitive

Optimize the filtering and display logic of searching for charging stations

Use icons to distinguish the operating attributes of charging stations

Super fast charging/charging free/exclusive benefits are clear at a glance


Traveling and driving, accompanied by intelligence

– Excellent driving control

Models with air suspension

Added “memory point adjustment suspension” function switch

Optimized body pitch during acceleration and braking

More comfortable driving

– Intelligent assisted driving

New highway NGP available section display function

After setting the navigation route, you can preview the mileage and road sections that can open NGP on the way

– Smart cockpit

Added steering wheel custom buttons to evoke narrow road assistance and navigation routes

Quick access to refresh button and more functions

Optimize driving mode display logic, screen sliding smoothness and many other experiences