eastwest connect

XPeng released P7 promo for Guangzhou International Auto Show

On December 29, XPeng promoted P7 on Chinese social media for Guangzhou International Auto Show



1 Figure to understand Xpeng P7


All life

Has an upward driving force

An inner growth force

It is this power

Leading us to the top

Let us drive XPeng P7

Feel its LIFE・MOVE・POWER aesthetics



Simple and easy

P7 follows the principle of minimalism in terms of shape and vision

Less is more, rational and practical, simple and neat

The front face of the future soldier, incarnation of the protagonist in the dark night

At the same time, P7 also incorporates classic science fiction movie elements

“Future Police” laser vision

And “Star Wars” lightsaber elements

Full of sci-fi texture



Go forward indomitably, be a giant in action

Low center of gravity body design

Let every bend have confidence

Start with the lowered front face

After passing the rearward A-pillar, the shape ends with a slip-back tail

Such a flat and perfect design

It is the embodiment of P7’s vitality



Abandon complicated design concepts

Pursuit of delicate curves

From the double fusion of mathematics and aesthetics

Combining fading surfaces with streamlined bodywork

Find a unique rhythm between density and speed

No waistline design


Official marketing partner of NBA China

Guangzhou International Auto Show


Live stream time: 12:00-13:00, December 30

Product introduction of all models

Introduction to XPeng Energy Replenishment System

Intelligent driving function introduction

All-scenario Voice 2.0 Live Demonstration

Lock XPeng live room

“Let’s start a different extreme intelligent technology exploration together”
See you there!