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NIO released NIO Power 2022 transcript

On January 10 2023, NIO released a post titled “NIO Power 2022 transcript, please check!”


Hello 2023
NIO Power fully charged

NIO Power’s charging and swapping network continues to deploy
Cumulatively added nationwide in 2022:
528 swap stations, including 142 highway swap stations
618 supercharging stations, 2,805 supercharging piles
432 destination charging stations, 3,698 destination charging piles
New access to 210,000+ third-party charging piles


Product upgrade, Experience optimization

The third generation power station was officially released

Three-working unit coordinated power swap mode

The battery replacement time is further shortened

Battery compartments increased to 21

The single station service capacity reaches 408 times


500kW ultra-fast charging pile officially released

Maximum power 500kW, maximum current 660A

Significantly reducing charging time

Self-developed ultra-light liquid-cooled charging cable

Easy to operate with one hand


Launched a portable charging and discharging all-in-one machine

Rechargeable and dischargeable, rentable and purchaseable

Meet the needs of multiple scenarios and start a pleasant journey


Provide a variety of home charging services
Small home charging plays a big role

NIO provides users with

7kW/11kW/20kW three options for home charging

Meeting the diverse needs of users for home charging

Accumulatively, more than 160,000 users have installed home charging piles

15,618 users have shared home charging piles, and powered up with more users

In addition, 4,241 Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei home charging pile users participated in peak-shifting power supply

Consumed more than 2,360,000 degrees of clean energy electricity

Equivalent to reducing about 1,178 tons of carbon emissions

Balanced power generation and consumption, helped the power grid to cut peaks and fill valleys


Charging network continues to expand
Provide convenience for the whole industry

NIO has deployed a total of 13,368 public charging piles

It is the car brand with the largest number of charging piles in China

While serving NIO users well, it is open to all new energy car owners

Non-NIO brand charging capacity has accounted for 80.5%

Provide charging services for more than 110 brands of vehicles

Provide convenience for every new energy car owner to travel


Continued layout of power swap network
Fully charged in three minutes

A total of 1,305 battery swap stations have been deployed

Provided users with more than 15 million battery swap services

On average, every 2.2 seconds, a NIO vehicle is fully re-powered and departs

The coverage rate of power-zone housing reaches 68.99%

More than 2/3 of users have a power swap station within 3 kilometers

February 13, 2022
The proportion of power swapping in NIO vehicles historically surpassed 50%

Has become the favorite power-up method of NIO users


Deploy highway power swap network
Long distance travel is easier

A total of 346 highway swap stations have been built

Has opened up 5 vertical 3 horizontal 8 large urban agglomeration highway power swap network

5 vertical and 3 horizontal

G1 Beijing-Harbin Expressway, G2 Beijing-Shanghai Expressway, G4 Beijing-Hong Kong-Macau Expressway

G5 Jingkun Expressway, G15 Shenhai Expressway

G50 Shanghai-Chongqing Expressway, G60 Shanghai-Kunming Expressway Shanghai-Hunan Section

G30 Lianhuo Expressway Jiangsu-Shaanxi Section

8 major urban agglomerations

Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration,
Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration,
Greater Bay Area urban agglomeration
Chengdu-Chongqing urban agglomeration,
urban agglomeration in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River,
Shandong Peninsula urban agglomeration,
Guanzhong urban agglomeration,
Central Plains urban agglomeration

And planned for 2025

Comprehensively build a highway power swap network in 19 large urban agglomerations with 9 vertical and 9 horizontal

Allow users to travel freely on highways

Power Up Plan
Continue to advance to the remote

Successively open 50 destination power-up lines, including
Yunnan-Tibet Line,
Western Sichuan Grand Ring Road,
Hulun Buir Grassland Line,
Xiaoxing’anling Linhai Line
800 Li Qinchuan Line,
Sailimu Lake Line, etc

Battery selection on demand
Flexible battery range upgrade

Provided more than 42,000 times of battery upgrade services

Let NIO users continue to enjoy the dividends of battery technology upgrades


The circle of energy friends continues to expand

Co-construction to speed up the layout


Cooperate with Sinopec, PetroChina, CNOOC, Shell, the “Four barrels of oil” to accelerate energy transformation

A total of 269 charging and swapping stations have been built

Help carbon neutral carbon peak

Cooperate with IKEA, Huazhu, Yintai and other hotels and large commercial complex enterprises

Accelerate the layout of charging and swapping stations in cities

Signed contracts with 12 expressway management companies in Zhejiang, Fujian, Shandong, Hubei, etc.

Accelerate the layout of highway battery swap network

Battery swap black technology goes overseas
Accelerate European Energy Layout

September 16, 2022
NIO European Energy Plant in Hungary officially opened

Accelerate the layout of NIO’s charging and swapping stations in Europe

The layout of 10 power stations has been completed in Norway, Germany, Sweden and the Netherlands

Let European users also enjoy NIO’s battery swap black technology

Participate in grid interaction
Reduce peak load

Last year, a total of 196 NIO power swap stations participated in power grid peak regulation and frequency regulation

Reduced the peak load of the power grid, leaving room for urban power supply

In addition, there were 575 swap stations participating in peak-shift charging

Off-peak power consumption increased from 12% to 20%

Shift peak electricity consumption reached 410 million watt-hours

Helped the power grid operate stably and contributed to protecting the clear sky


As of December 31, 2022, the national cumulative layout:

1,305 swap stations, including 346 high-speed swap stations

1,223 supercharging stations, 6,209 supercharging piles

1,058 destination charging stations, 7,159 destination charging piles

Access to 630,000+ third-party charging piles

Further improve NIO energy service system

Make it more convenient to electric power up than to refuel