eastwest connect

Ministry of Commerce officially issued “Guangzhou Service Industry Expansion and Opening-up Comprehensive Pilot Overall Plan” | Carry out test flights and networking pilot of intelligent autonomous low-altitude passenger aircraft

It is learned on January 11 from General Aviation Circle that the Ministry of Commerce recently officially issued “Guangzhou Service Industry Expansion and Opening-up Comprehensive Pilot Overall Plan” (hereafter referred to as the plan).



The plan proposes to:
Strengthen multi-point support and multi-pole development in Huangpu District of Guangzhou City (Guangzhou Development Zone, Guangzhou High-tech Zone, Sino-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City),
Create a new highland for knowledge creation,
Support the combination of the construction of the Shenzhen unmanned aviation test zone and the pilot of the drone logistics operation in the Greater Bay Area,
Carry out test flights and networking pilot of intelligent autonomous low-altitude passenger aircraft;
In Nansha, Guangzhou, accelerate the construction of
a cooperation base for technological innovation industries,
a cooperation platform for youth entrepreneurship and employment,
a high-level opening to the outside world,
a high-level linking mechanism for rules and regulations,
and a benchmark for high-quality urban development, and
Create a Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao cooperation demonstration zone.

The plan, which has gone through 3 years of pilot projects to accumulate pilot experience that can be replicated and promoted across the country, will play an exemplary and leading role for the country’s all-round active opening up, and the open and innovative development of the service industry.
In addition, the plan also proposes to provide more high-quality and efficient financial services for aircraft financing in Nansha. Under the macro-prudential framework for full-scale cross-border financing, financial leasing companies registered in the region are allowed to share foreign debt quotas with their special purpose vehicles (SPV), and insurance methods are explored to replace security deposits.