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XPeng medium and long-term strategies and key tasks in 2023 reported at recent internal annual summary meeting

XPeng medium and long-term strategies and key tasks in 2023 reported at recent internal annual summary meeting

According to media outlet 36kr, Xpeng held an annual summary meeting on January 18. He Xiaopeng, chairman of Xpeng, reported to tens of thousands of employees of Xpeng internally on Xpeng’s medium and long-term strategies and key tasks in 2023.

1. In the next five years, the operating profit will be positive in 2025 (the lowest comprehensive gross profit rate will reach 17% in 2025, and the annual R&D investment will reach 10 billion levels), and the sales volume will reach 1.2 million in 2027 (Fully autonomous driving cars will reach about 30% market share).

2. In the next five years, focus on customers and build product competitiveness.

3. Form a starting point with full-scenario, low-cost autonomous driving as the standard configuration. (Xpeng’s SKU may only have one or two, that is to say, high-end cars may only have two-wheel drive and four-wheel drive versions, and cheaper cars may only have low battery range and high battery range, and autonomous driving becomes standard)

4. Expansion of overseas markets. (Two overseas models will be launched in 2023, the third overseas model will be launched in 2024, and overseas models in 2025 are under discussion)

5. Actively explore software and new business models.
(The next five years will be fully autonomous driving, and the next five years will be the era of unmanned driving. How can Xpeng make software contribute more profits)

In He Xiaopeng’s view, in 2023 and 2024, latecomers to the track and other competitors will still encounter a lot of cost challenges. “In the new five years you will see, I think that a large number of OEMs that have existed in the past, as well as new OEMs that have not yet come out, will fall like they did in the previous five years.”

And He Xiaopeng also predicted that in 2027, China’s annual sales of new energy vehicles may reach 15 million units, (market share) even reaching about 70%.