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NIO joins the Horizon Europe Project to explore forward-looking energy services

NIO joins the Horizon Europe Project to explore forward-looking energy services

It is learned from NIO that on February 7, NIO announced that it joined the Horizon Europe project with 26 partners and obtained special funds for the in-depth research and development of hybrid energy storage systems in the field of electric mobility services.

Horizon Europe is the EU’s largest scientific research and innovation project so far. It plans to invest a total of 95.5 billion euros between 2021 and 2027. By bringing together the world’s top scientific research teams, it will conduct research on addressing climate change and achieving the United Nations’ sustainable development goals. Joining the Horizon Europe project will help NIO promote sustainable and environmentally friendly travel methods and realize the vision of Blue Sky Coming.

The hybrid energy storage system in this research project uses lithium batteries and supercapacitors as power buffers for ultra-fast charging facilities to increase the available power during charging, reduce charging time, and reduce the impact of ultra-fast charging on the power grid during the peak period of electricity consumption. Since its establishment, NIO has accumulated a wealth of knowledge and practical experience in the field of R&D, manufacturing and operation of charging and swapping equipment. In this project, NIO will use power stations and smart electric vehicles as energy storage units to provide grid auxiliary services, and conduct in-depth research in the fields of energy demand management and power trading. The research project has officially started in January 2023 and will last for 36 months.

Up to now, NIO has built a total of 1,323 swapping stations (10 in Europe), 2,323 charging stations (5 in Europe), has access to more than 1.01 million third-party charging piles (more than 380,000 in Europe), and has provided users with more than 17 million battery swap services.

NIO will deliver the third-generation power station and 500kW ultra-fast charging in the first quarter of 2023 to further enhance the user’s power-up experience.

At the same time, based on the leading NIO energy cloud and charging and swapping network, NIO has already assisted peak shift charging in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Guangdong and other regions, and will carry out peak shaving and valley filling and clean energy consumption in more regions.

NIO Energy’s “rechargeable, replaceable and upgradeable” energy service system provides users with full-scenario power-up services, and strives to make power-up more convenient than refueling.