eastwest connect

Xpeng Shenzhen and Guangzhou S4 super fast charging stations have been launched | the cumulative number of self-operated charging stations has reached 1,000+

According to news from IT Home on February 17, Xpeng announced today that following the first batch of charging stations, it has added a number of S4 ultra-fast charging stations in Guangzhou and Shenzhen. Xpeng said that up to now, it has launched a total of 1,000+ self-operated charging stations, covering all prefecture-level administrative regions and municipalities across the country.


Shenzhen : S4 super fast charging stations

As of January 31, Xpeng has launched 58 charging stations in Shenzhen, 5 S4 super fast charging stations, 22 Xpeng self-operated charging stations (including S4), and 36 third-party charging stations (free benefits are available).


Guangzhou : S4 super fast charging stations

As of January 31, Xpeng has launched 79 charging stations in Guangzhou, 6 S4 super fast charging stations, 52 Xpeng self-operated charging stations (including S4), and 27 third-party charging stations (free benefits are available).