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China Unicom and NIO join hands to build a 5G joint innovation center to create a new future of “smart manufacturing”

It is learned on February 28 from China Daily that on February 24, 2023, the NIO-China Unicom 5G Joint Innovation Center (hereinafter referred to as the “Innovation Center”) was officially established in Hefei.

Han Bing, general manager of Anhui Unicom, and Ji Huaqiang, vice president of NIO manufacturing and logistics operations, jointly unveiled the innovation center.
Relevant persons in charge of the Anhui Provincial Department of Economics and Information Technology and the Anhui Branch of the China Industrial Internet Research Institute attended the witness.

Pan Feng, Chief Economist of Anhui Economic and Information Department, attended the ceremony and delivered a speech. He said that the development of the industrial Internet has entered a period of rapid growth, the top-level design is gradually clear, the market scale continues to expand, integration and innovation are more active, and the industrial ecology is thriving. It is hoped that through the establishment of the innovation center, we will jointly create industry benchmarks, form a demonstration effect, and make leading contributions to promoting the innovation and development of the industrial Internet in Hefei and our province. The Provincial Department of Economics and Information Technology will also make effort to support and do a good job in service work for this purpose.

Han Bing said that the establishment of the innovation center is a concrete manifestation of the accelerated implementation of the “Cooperation Intent Agreement” by both parties. China Unicom will focus on vertically subdivided industries, increase 5G-enabled industry application innovation, and help enterprises digitally transform.


Jia Yongquan, head of the NIO factory operation department, said that the establishment of the innovation center aims to create a world-class advanced factory that is lean, intelligent, green and pleasant, and to help the sustainable development of Anhui’s auto industry.


In the future, the two parties will jointly explore innovative technologies and product applications in the field of intelligent automobile manufacturing, and further promote in-depth research and development in 5G fully connected factories, 5G smart parks, 5G+AI, data governance, etc., to help Anhui’s manufacturing industry improve quality and increase volume and jointly contribute to Anhui’s high-standard industrial Internet highland and comprehensive empowerment of a strong manufacturing province.

Yu Dongming, general manager of NIO Hefei regional company, Fang Fang and Du Ningrang, vice presidents of China Unicom’s government and enterprise customer business group, Zhang Xuejiang, senior director of new product trial production at NIO, and Du Peng, deputy general manager of Anhui Unicom, attended the ceremony.