eastwest connect

EHang visited by investment promotion team of another Hubei’s city – Jingmen

EHang visited by investment promotion team of another Hubei’s city  – Jingmen

Recently, it was reported that EHang was visited by investment promotion team of Lichuan city, Hubei province.

Today, it is reported that EHang was visited by investment promotion team of another city – Jingmen, Hubei province.

According to a post on March 14 on Jingmen city’s Weibo account, from March 11 to 12, Chen Jiawei, deputy secretary of the municipal party committee and mayor, led a team to Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Huizhou and other places in Guangdong Province to conduct investment promotion inspections, communicate and negotiate with the business leaders of enterprises including EHang on deepening cooperation between the two parties.

Chen Jiawei and his team first visited EHang, and communicated with Hou Yinyou, President of the Greater China Region of EHang.

Chen Jiawei said that Jingmen is located in the central part of Hubei, with obvious geographical advantages, a solid industrial foundation, and the rapid development of the general aviation industry, which has a high degree of industrial fit with the development of enterprises. We sincerely invite EHang to organize a delegation to Jingmen for on-the-spot investigation and investment.

Hou Yinyou said that Jingmen’s general aviation industry has a good development foundation and outstanding advantages, which is suitable for enterprises to carry out industrial layout and effective linkage of upstream and downstream supply chains. He will choose a time to go to Jingmen for inspection and negotiation to promote project cooperation.