eastwest connect

NIO energy subsidiary in Changsha signed cooperation agreement with local state-owned energy enterprise for swap station construction

Source: Changsha County


On March 22, Changsha Xingcheng New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. and Changsha Weiran Energy Co., Ltd. (subsidiary of NIO; Wei-ran means Weilai-energy or NIO-energy) signed a cooperation agreement.

The two parties will work together to build the first NIO third-generation power station in the urban area of Hunan Province at the Songya Lake parking lot on Dongsan Road, and strive to put it into operation in May.

Rendering of NIO’s third-generation battery swap station

“Changsha County focuses on optimizing the ‘soft power’ of the business environment, and residents also have a greater demand for vehicle charging and swapping. The construction of power stations around Songya Lake will further meet the needs of new energy car owners and improve travel efficiency.” The person in charge of Xingcheng Holdings Group introduced. Based on the principles of strong alliance, complementary advantages, win-win cooperation, and common development, the two parties will jointly promote the construction of the power station, realize early completion, early production, and early results, create high-quality projects, and jointly promote green and low-carbon development.

“The third-generation power station has upgraded the battery capacity, increased the number of battery slots to 21, and the daily service capacity of a single station can reach 408 times, which is 30% higher than the second-generation.” At the signing site, the person in charge of Weiran Energy gave a detailed introduction to the advantages and characteristics of NIO’s third-generation power station. The new power station has enhanced the perception system, and the station coordination and station-network interaction are more intelligent and efficient. It can basically realize “automatic” unmanned battery replacement, and the battery replacement time of new energy vehicles only takes 3.5 minutes.

“Xingcheng New Energy must anchor the strategic goal of ‘dual carbon’ and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in orderly promoting the energy revolution.” The relevant person in charge of Xingcheng Holdings Group said. The company should steadily expand the new energy industry, seize opportunities to win the market, increase efficiency, and take high-quality projects as the starting point to realize industrial linkage, inject “new energy” to make the state-owned enterprise continue to become stronger, better and bigger.