eastwest connect

Premier Li Qiang visited Changsha BYD: not only to be the leader in China, but also to be the leader in the world

BYD reported that on March 22, Premier Li Qiang visited Hunan’s advanced manufacturing industry, and the first stop in Changsha came to BYD.


At 9:20 in the morning, Premier Li Qiang visited the exhibition hall and the four major automotive production lines at BYD Changsha Yuhua Base. He highly praised BYD as a representative of the manufacturing industry and encouraged:

“BYD is now the industry leader, not only to be the industry leader in China, but also to be the industry leader in the world!”

“BYD has always been engaged in real industry. The tangible economy and manufacturing industry are things we encourage very much!”

“I have full confidence in BYD, I hope you will do better and better!”