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BYD Battery-Box won the “European Top Energy Storage Brand” award again

On March 31, BYD reported that recently, EUPD Research, a German authoritative research institution known as the “wind vane” of the world’s energy storage industry, once again awarded BYD the highest honor in the field of energy storage – the “Top European Energy Storage Brand” medal.

EUPD Research has a global reputation for providing authoritative market information at an international level. This time, EUPD surveyed thousands of installers in many European countries, and after comparing the internal data of the industry, awarded to BYD, the top brand of energy storage in Europe (Top Brand PV Storage Europe) and “Top Brand PV Storage 2023” Medal from the combination of Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Denmark, Sweden and many other countries.

CEO and Founder of EUPD Research awarded to Huang Zhixue, General Manager of BYD Middle East and Africa Auto Sales Department

Huang Zhixue, general manager of BYD Middle East and Africa Auto Sales Department, said: “Independent market research organizations provide manufacturers like us with invaluable market information because they provide the most positive feedback from customers on our energy storage solutions. Therefore, we are very pleased with the survey results of the EUPD agency, which once again confirms that BYD provides reliable and versatile modular energy storage solutions, and also represents BYD’s outstanding performance in the fields of renewable energy and energy storage.”

In 2015, BYD Battery-Box began to go to the global market and won praise from customers around the world. In recent years, our products have become the industry benchmark pursued by various brands in the household energy storage industry. In January 2020, the BYD Battery-Box Premium series was launched. In the face of the global pandemic, the BYD Battery-Box Premium series has attracted great attention from the global market due to its excellent performance and easy installation, and the installation volume has achieved growth against the trend. This award has once again been verified by the market for the excellent technology, quality and service of BYD products, and perfectly interprets BYD’s brand mission of “satisfying people’s yearning for a better life with technological innovation”.

“I am very pleased that in the past five years, BYD has been positioned as a top supplier in the energy storage market not only in Germany, the largest energy storage market in Europe, but also in many European countries.
With its excellent products and services, BYD has provided reliable solutions to users all over the world. We congratulate the entire team for winning the ‘Top Brand PV Storage 2023’ medal, providing more professional and reliable energy storage solutions for Europe, and It has made an important contribution to global sustainable development.”—Markus A.W. Hoehner, CEO and Founder of EUPD Research.