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BYD released March delivery results | 207,080 vehicles delivered in March, a year-on-year increase of 97.4%


On April 2, BYD released its March vehicle delivery results, with a total of 207,080 vehicles sold, a year-on-year increase of 97.4%.

Among them, DM models sold 103419 vehicles, and EV models sold 102670 vehicles.

Specific to the brands, Dynasty and Ocean series models sold a total of 195,700 vehicles, accounting for nearly 95%, and are still the main forces contributing to the sales of the entire brands.

Specific to the models, it includes Song, Qin, Tang, Han, and Yuan PLUS of the Dynasty series, and popular models such as seals, dolphins, and destroyers of the Ocean series.

Noticeably, Denza, which currently sells only one model, the D9, achieved 10,398 units in March, an increase of 42% month-on-month, and its development momentum is quite good. The official guide price of Denza D9 is 335,800 to 465,800. As a domestic MPV with a price of more than 300,000, it is really not easy to achieve such a result.

In addition, BYD exported 13,312 new cars in March, a slight drop compared to last month (15,002). This year’s cumulative exports have exceeded 38,000, while BYD’s cumulative exports last year were only 55,916.