eastwest connect

NIO rapid growth in battery swap usage: The second 10-million swaps in 9 months vs the first 10-million in 4 years

On April 3, NIO reported the milestone of 20 million battery swaps with rapid growth in swap usage.

At 07:05:47 on April 3, 2023, at the NIO Power Station | Hangzhou Wuchang NIO Service Center, as an ES6 completed the battery swap, the cumulative number of battery swaps by NIO users reached 20,000,000.

On July 4 last year, the 10 millionth battery swap was completed. It took more than 4 years. Now it only takes 9 months for NIO users to complete the 10 millionth battery swap again. On February 5 this year, NIO battery swap electricity accounted for more than 60%, and battery swap has become the favorite way for NIO users to recharge their batteries.

At present, the battery swap stations provide more than 45,000 battery swap services per day, which means that every 1.9 seconds, a NIO vehicle starts from the swap station with a full battery, and the swap station service capacity has increased rapidly.

20 million times of battery replacement service can provide users with a cumulative mileage of over 5.106 billion kilometers and reduce carbon emissions by about 550,286 tons, which is equivalent to the carbon dioxide absorbed by planting 4.97 million fir trees for 30 years*, protecting our common clear sky.

Battery swap can not only be used as a daily power-up method, but also provide battery upgrade services, allowing users to upgrade vehicle battery range more conveniently and flexibly. Up to now, NIO has provided users with 63,136 battery upgrade services, allowing users to continue to enjoy the dividends of battery technology progress.

Thanks to users and friends for their support and trust in battery swaps. The achievement of 20 million battery swaps is the best motivation for us to build 1,000 new battery swap stations in 2023. We will accelerate the layout to make everyone more joyful.

*Calculated based on the 30-year absorption of 111kg of carbon dioxide by a fir tree published by the Ministry of Natural Resources