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NIO Phone go-to-market plan released: this year Q2 internal test, Q3 launch & delivery, with a small target of hundreds of thousands of units

It is learned on April 5 from Mobile Phone Show Show that phone maker Meizu, which has been acquired by auto maker Geely, released the Meizu 20 series at the end of March, with good sales. Another car manufacturer has also decided to release its first mobile phone this year. This car manufacturer is NIO, one of the new car-making forces.

At the recent EV100 Forum, Li Bin, founder and chairman of NIO, announced the go-to-market schedule of NIO Phone, saying that NIO Phone will be released and delivered in the third quarter of this year. In December 2022, NIO has already applied for the trademark “NIO PHONE” to prepare for the launch of mobile phones.

The reason for Geely’s acquisition of Meizu is the same as that of NIO’s mobile phone, which is also to bring a better car-phone interconnection experience. Previously, Li Bin complained that Apple did not open the interface.

Also, Qin Lihong, co-founder and president of NIO, said that the research and development of NIO phones is nearing completion, and NIO Phone is expected to start internal testing in Q2 this year and be released in Q3. If the internal test goes well, the new phone will be officially launched around the National Day.

NIO mobile phone is positioned as the Android flagship, and plans to develop a new mobile phone every year, and the price may be more than 5,000 yuan, or even around 7,000. Unlike some mobile phone manufacturers who have low hardware profits and rely on advertisements to make money, Qin Lihong said that there will be no advertisements in NIO Phone, and they will not rely on advertisements to make money.

In terms of the sales volume, Li Bin said that half of the users buy NIO mobile phones, and they can achieve their goal by selling hundreds of thousands of units.