eastwest connect

BYD announced Dolphin and Seal entering the EU market in 2023 at its European Spring Conference

On April 14, BYD reported that recently, BYD held a new car conference in Barcelona, Spain, announcing that the Dolphin and Seal will enter the European market in 2023. Dolphin will be available for preorder this summer, with deliveries in the fourth quarter. Seal will also be launched in Europe in the near future to meet local European consumers.

After BYD launched three models in Europe last year (Han, Tang and BYD ATTO 3), Dolphin and Seal are a new batch of pure electric models launched by BYD in Europe, and they are also the first batch of marine models launched for the European market. The arrival of the two new energy vehicles will further enrich BYD’s new energy model matrix in Europe, and at the same time allow more users to enjoy high-quality new energy travel experience.

BYD’s Dolphin and Seal double car debut in Europe

Since the announcment of BYD’s entry into the European passenger car market in September 2022, many BYD models have received rave reviews from consumers and professional media in Europe. Up to now, BYD’s new energy vehicles have been delivered in more than 10 countries in Europe.

BYD Dolphin will start pre-sale in Europe in the summer of 2023

Shu Youxing, general manager of BYD’s International Cooperation Division and European Automobile Sales Division, said: “BYD officially launched the BYD brand and three models to the European market at the Paris Motor Show in October 2022. Today, the arrival of the Dolphin and Seal models marks BYD’s determination to further expand the European new energy vehicle market. BYD will be committed to providing European consumers with a unique driving experience and richer product choices.”

Conference site

As a leader in new energy vehicles, BYD’s global sales of passenger vehicles in 2022 will exceed 1.86 million, a year-on-year increase of 155.1%. Up to now, BYD has sold more than 3.9 million new energy vehicles globally, covering six continents, more than 70 countries and regions, and more than 400 cities. In the future, driven by technological innovation, BYD will continuously improve product strength, inject new vitality into the European market, and promote the development of the European new energy vehicle industry with more users and partners.