eastwest connect

NIO reported the Power Journeys | Xishuangbanna line officially completed

On April 20, NIO reported that the Power Journeys|Xishuangbanna line was officially completed, with a total length of about 560km. Along the way, there will be 1 swap station, 3 supercharge stations, and 1 recharge station.

Departing from the spring city of Kunming, all the way south and crossing the Tropic of Cancer, passing through Dianchi Lake, the pearl of the plateau, Fuxian Lake, the first deep-water lake in Yunnan, and Jingmai Mountain, the tea garden in the cloud, you arrive at Xishuangbanna, the plant kingdom.

Now, follow our lens to experience the tropical rainforest landscape and ethnic customs here.

The Xishuangbanna Line is also a route co-created by NIO users. In the invitation blind box event, NIO user @TGZ123 unexpectedly unlocked a ” koi carp” route, and chose Kunming-Xishuangbanna as his wish route. After months of preparation, today, we finally brought this exciting route to @TGZ123 and all NIO users and friends.


Dianchi Plateau Pearl

As a landmark of Kunming, Dianchi Lake is also known as Kunming Lake and Kunming Lake. Dianchi Lake is located on a low-latitude plateau. It is a fault-sink lake formed in the Cenozoic Era. It is shaped like a bow. The lake is 1,886 meters above sea level and covers an area of 330 square kilometers. It is the sixth largest freshwater lake in China and the largest in southwest China. Around Dianchi Lake, there are flowers in spring, rainbows in summer, stratified forests in autumn, and migratory birds in winter. There are scenery in all seasons.



Fuxian Lake | Ten Thousand Hectares of Glaze

Fuxian Lake is located between Chengjiang City, Jiangchuan District, and Huaning County of Yuxi City. The lake covers an area of 212 square kilometers, second only to Dianchi Lake and Erhai Lake, and is the third largest lake in Yunnan. The deepest point of Fuxian Lake is 155 meters. It is the first deep-water lake in Yunnan and is known as “thousand hectares of glass”. In Xu Xiake’s travel notes, it was recorded that “Dian Mountain is rich in soil, so many of the streams are congested into the sea, and the streams are turbid, but Fuxian Lake is the clearest”.



Nanuo Terraced Fields | The Sea of Clouds on the Mountain Ridge

Nanuo Terraced Fields is a famous natural and cultural landscape in Yuxi City, with a history of more than 1,300 years. It is located on the south bank of Yuanjiang River, adjacent to Honghe County. This is a place in central Yunnan known for its terraced fields. Terraced farming is the most representative production method of the Hani people, maintaining the diversity of ethnic cultures in southern Yunnan. The size of each terrace is different, the smallest is less than 1 square meter.



Ancient Tea Horse Road Scenic Spot|World Tea Source

The Pu’er Ancient Tea-Horse Road Tourist Scenic Spot is located in Pu’er City, Yunnan Province, the “World’s Tea Source”. It is also the section with the most complete preservation, the longest mileage, the richest culture and the best ecology along the road so far.



Jingmai Mountain | Tea Garden in the Clouds

Jingmai Mountain is located in Lancang Lahu Autonomous County, Pu’er City, at the junction of Xishuangbanna, Pu’er and Myanmar. Jingmai Mountain is famous for its Pu’er tea and is one of the six major tea mountains in China. Its area of thousand-year-old tea is the largest in the tea mountains. Jingmai Mountain is the best example of the integration of man and nature. There are villages of ethnic minorities in the depths of the jungle, including Blang, Dai, Hani, Wa and so on.



Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden | Plant Kingdom

The Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden of the Chinese Academy of Sciences is located in Mengla County, Xishuangbanna. It covers an area of about 1,125 hectares and collects more than 13,000 species of living plants. It has 38 special plant areas and preserves a primitive tropical rainforest with an area of about 250 hectares. It is the largest in the country. It is the botanical garden with the richest collection of species and the largest number of botanical gardens. It is also the botanical garden with the largest number of plant species preserved outdoors and the largest number of plant groups displayed to the public in the world.


Power Journeys

Power Journeys is an energy layout project launched by NIO to allow users to travel happily and reach poetry and distant places.

In destinations with imperfect infrastructure but highly desirable destinations, deploy charging and swapping facilities to meet the energy replenishment needs of car owners, so that trams can also go where gasoline trucks can go. Create classic or popular self-driving routes or other self-driving routes for users to help travelers fully explore the beautiful scenery and splendid civilization of the journey.

As of April 2023, NIO has accumulatively completed 53 long-awaited routes, including the three Tibet routes from Sichuan, Qinghai and Yunnan, the Hexi Corridor, the Duku Highway, the Western Sichuan Grand Ring Line, the Hulun Buir Grassland Line, and the Shenzhou North Pole Line. .