eastwest connect

EHang 216 appeared at the Cultural Tourism Expo | It will be put into trial operation in Wuhan East Lake

Source: Jiupai Finance


According Jiupai Finance, on April 22, the second China (Wuhan) Cultural Tourism Expo ended, attracting more than 2,000 domestic and foreign cultural and tourism institutions and enterprises to participate in the exhibition, and more than 100,000 citizens to visit.

At the expo site, an “autonomous helicopter” attracted citizens to watch and check in. Unlike the complicated dashboards of traditional aircraft, this aircraft does not require a pilot. It only has a smart flat-panel display and two seats inside. Passengers only need to tap the screen, and it can rely on pure electric power to carry people to their destinations.

Jiupai Finance learned from the scene that the passenger-carrying aircraft is built by EHang, the “first company in urban air mobile”, and is mainly used for low-altitude sightseeing in tourist attractions. It is remotely managed by the command and dispatch center. Next, it will be put into trial operation at East Lake in Wuhan, and citizens will be able to take an aircraft to overlook the cherry garden.