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Alibaba 1688 ranks first in the free list of the Apple App Store

Alibaba 1688 ranks first in the free list of the Apple App Store


According to New Beijing News, on April 25, Alibaba 1688 became the number one app in the free list of the Apple App Store.

Recently, 1688APP’s buyers’ active opening rate, single-day platform transaction volume and single-day platform order volume on non-big promotion days all hit a record high in the company’s 24-year history.

1688 is a comprehensive B2B e-commerce platform, currently has nearly 60 million payment buyers and nearly 1 million source manufacturers.

Most of the buyers of 1688 are young entrepreneurs in first- and second-tier cities with a relatively high degree of digitization. For example, groups such as Internet video bloggers, social influencers, community group buying “heads” and cross-border e-commerce “buyers” mainly use 1688 to do small wholesale, light customization and find factories.