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Wudang Mountain tourism project signing ceremony held in the local city, Hubei province | Strategic President of Shanghai EHang attended

Source: China Financial Media Industry Net



According to China Financial Media Industry Net, on May 5th, the signing ceremony of the “Wudang Mountain-Danjiangkou Cultural Tourism Belt” project, which was jointly invested and cooperated by the United Arab Emirates Bin Zayed Group Asia Investment Company, Taiji Industry Group Co., Ltd., and Hubei Wudang Taiji Lake Tourism Holding Co., Ltd., was held in Wudang Mountain.

Khaled, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Bin Zayed Group of the United Arab Emirates, He Junlong, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Taiji Industry Group, and Yang Qingshan, Chairman of Taiji Lake Tourism Holding Company signed the cooperation agreement to jointly initiate the establishment of Hubei Wudang and Taiji Cultural Tourism Holdings Co., Ltd. and jointly invest in the construction of the “Wudang Mountain-Danjiangkou Cultural Tourism Belt” project.

Lin Changchao, Strategic President of Shanghai EHang Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. attended and witnessed the investment cooperation signing ceremony, along with local government officers and related tourism industry entities.

After the investment and cooperation signing ceremony for the “Wudang Mountain-Danjiangkou Cultural Tourism Belt” project, a grand media meeting was held.

The cooperation agreement signed by the three parties is bound to inject strong development momentum into regional cultural tourism, and Taiji Cultural Tourism Holdings will fully take root in the Wudang Mountains and Danjiangkou area, closely focus on Taiji Culture, a world-class IP, and boost the important tourism destination around Danjiang World ground construction.