eastwest connect

The 2023 Barcelona Auto Show kicks off, BYD debuts five new energy models including Dolphin and Seal

On May 12, BYD reported that on May 11, the 2023 Barcelona International Motor Show officially opened, and BYD made debuts for its new energy passenger vehicle product matrix at the show.

After BYD launched the three pure electric models Han, Tang and BYD ATTO 3 in Spain at the end of March this year, BYD also brought two new models of Dolphin and Seal for the first time this time, showing BYD’s “marine aesthetics” design to the European market idea.

BYD booth at Barcelona International Auto Show

The Barcelona International Motor Show originated in 1919 and has a history of more than 100 years. From May 11 to 21, BYD’s booth will display five models including Han, Tang, BYD ATTO 3, Dolphin and Seal. Among them, the Han, Tang and BYD ATTO 3 all adopt the “DragonFace 3.0” design language, and are equipped with a blade battery with the characteristics of high safety, long life and long battery range.

At present, Han, Tang and BYD ATTO 3 have been launched in Spain, and delivery has started. The audience can not only taste the demeanor of these three models statically at the BYD booth, but also take a test drive in the experience area set up outside the exhibition hall, and dynamically experience the comfort and dynamics brought by BYD electric vehicles.

This auto show is also the first show of the Dolphin and Seal models to the Spanish public. As BYD’s first e-platform 3.0 model equipped with CTB battery-body integration technology, Seal has obvious advantages in terms of aesthetics, safety, handling and efficiency. The Dolphin adopts a small and smart design style, with a simple and capable appearance, which is highly recognizable and futuristic. BYD has previously announced that the Dolphin and Seal models will enter the European market in 2023. Dolphins will be available for preorder this summer, with deliveries in the fourth quarter. Seal will also be launched in Europe in the near future to meet local European consumers.


BYD Dolphin and Seal models

With the acceleration of global electrification, Europe has become an important consumer market for new energy vehicles. BYD continues to deepen its efforts in the European market, constantly enriching its lineup of new energy models to meet the diverse needs of European consumers. Up to now, BYD has sold more than 4.1 million new energy vehicles globally, covering six continents, more than 70 countries and regions, and more than 400 cities.
BYD will continue to promote scientific and technological innovation, provide assistance to Europe’s energy transition with leading green technologies and diversified products, and jointly build “Technology·Green·Tomorrow”.