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Aviation electrification has come, ZENERGY releases 320Wh/kg high density aviation battery

Source: Jiangxi Internet Radio and Television Station

Following the electrification of automobiles, the power battery is launching an offensive to the last territory of three-dimensional transportation – the aviation field.

On May 9, ZENERGY officially released an aviation-grade strategic product that empowers the field of 3D transportation—— ZENERGY Aviation Battery.

The energy density of the battery is as high as 320Wh/kg. While taking into account the high energy density, it can still meet the high-rate discharge performance of 12C under 20% SOC, which solves the industry problem that high energy density and high rate cannot be achieved at the same time. This has become possible and opened the prelude to electrification in the aviation field.


In the past ten years, power batteries have replaced fuel vehicle engines, allowing vehicles to be driven by electricity. Today, the market penetration rate of electric vehicles has exceeded 30%.

The launch of ZENERGY Aviation Battery indicates that the power battery will officially move from two-dimensional transportation to three-dimensional transportation. In the future, a large number of helicopters, various types of drones and eVTOLs operating in the air are expected to be driven by power batteries. From short-range to medium-range routes, from low-altitude tourism, special transportation, to intercity transportation, and even to high-speed commuting in the city, there may be changes. And every change will open up a new market of magnitude.

At present, road traffic resources have become more and more tense, and traffic congestion can be seen everywhere, which plagues people’s travel. At the same time, new formats such as drone logistics and distribution, special aircraft operations, and flying cars have begun to emerge. For the field of transportation, exploiting air resources has become a trend.

From the application point of view, electrification in the aviation field is also the general trend.

From the perspective of global carbon emissions, aircraft powered by power batteries can increase energy utilization by 60% to 70% compared with petroleum, and reduce carbon emissions by 90%.

From the perspective of flight costs, traditional fuel is expensive, while electricity is cheap. According to agency estimates, the hourly operating cost of an electric aircraft is 60% to 80% lower than that of an aircraft using traditional fuel, which is extremely cost-effective.

In addition, traditional aircraft have serious noise pollution. If they are used in large quantities in the air, noise pollution may become a new burden. The sound of the aircraft driven by the power battery can be reduced to 60dB, which is 65% lower than that of the fuel engine.

In the process of developing from two-dimensional transportation to three-dimensional transportation, aircraft based on power batteries has natural advantages over traditional fuels in terms of flight cost, carbon emission reduction, noise reduction, autonomous driving, and safety.

In recent years, driven by the demand for electrification of vehicles, the energy density of power batteries has changed from 60~80Wh/kg in 2011. Up to now, the ternary products have reached 250Wh/kg, an increase of about 4 times; the power performance has increased by more than 3 times.

In terms of cost, it has also dropped from 4~5 yuan/Wh in 2011 to the current 0.7~0.8 yuan/Wh.

However, unlike electric vehicles, the scene of flying cars is more complex and special, and new challenges are also raised in terms of electrification:
The range of aviation aircraft is much more sensitive to the weight of the whole machine than that of electric vehicles, which puts forward the ultimate lightweight demand for batteries; The average discharge power is significantly higher than that of electric vehicles, requiring batteries with high energy density and high discharge rate; The safety requirements are higher, and the battery needs to meet the ppb-level aviation standard.

The ultimate requirement of lightweight requires batteries with high energy density; Extremely high discharge powers require batteries with high power. In short, it is necessary to “have both” the contradictory body of high energy density and high power of the battery.

The electrification of the aviation field will provide a huge incremental space for power batteries, and at the same time break through the bottleneck of aviation battery technology, and will also build technical barriers for enterprises.

“To achieve high energy density and high power of batteries, it is technically difficult to achieve at the same time.” At the product launch conference of ZENERGY, Dr. Yu Zhexun, chief product officer of ZENERGY, said, based on the in-depth understanding of the demand for aviation power batteries and its own technical support, ZENERGY takes the lead in launching aviation power batteries in the industry, with high energy density, high rate, high safety, fast charging, etc. “Three Highs and One Fast” 4 excellent features, “These are the embodiment of the ultimate performance achieved by our relentless pursuit of technology.”

In terms of energy density, the energy density of ZENERGY Aviation Battery is as high as 320Wh/kg, which greatly reduces the weight of the battery, which in turn can make electric aircraft lighter and fly farther.

In terms of power, while meeting the high energy density of 320Wh/kg, ZENERGY Aviation Battery can achieve 12C discharge, and the discharge power meets the ultra-high discharge demand during the flight of aviation aircraft. It is worth adding that ZENERGY Aviation Battery can still maintain a discharge capacity of 12C at 20% SOC, ensuring the safety of the aircraft.

In terms of safety, ZENERGY Aviation Battery has achieved the aviation-grade safety standard of ppb-level failure probability and the aviation-grade safety requirement of “zero” heat dissipation, breaking through the last obstacle in the application of power batteries in the aviation field.

In terms of fast charging, the ZENERGY Aviation battery can be charged to 80% in 15 minutes.

Based on the characteristics and management characteristics of the new energy industry, ZENERGY has realized monitoring data covering 9 modules, 50 processes, and more than 3,000 process parameters from the R&D end, covering the whole domain, sharing precise operation, and large-scale Driven by data, a new generation of software-defined cell factory with world-leading levels has been built.

As the first company in the industry to set foot in the field of aviation-grade power batteries, ZENERGY has accumulated rich experience in research and development and application of aviation batteries, and has established extensive cooperation with leading aircraft brands at home and abroad.