eastwest connect

NIO reported the achieving of 1,400 power swap stations | with impressive list of broad partners

On May 15, NIO reported that today, with the launch of NIO Power Station|Shanghai Metro Putuo Store, NIO’s 1,400th power station in China was officially completed. This is also the 61st NIO third-generation power station. We will accelerate the layout of power stations and complete the 2023 1000-Station Plan..


With the official launch of the 1,400th station, NIO Power and Metro (Metro AG, one of leading business-to-business wholesale groups in Germany) have jointly built a total of 21 charging and swapping stations, allowing users to enjoy a pleasant charging experience while shopping and leisure.

Today, Qiao Huijun, vice president of Metro China, and Shen Fei, senior vice president of NIO Energy, attended the launch ceremony of the station, witnessed the launch of the 1,400th power station, and looked forward to the future cooperation between the two parties. At the event site, we also invited users who filled in wishes near the station, and delivered wish stations to users on the spot to witness the moment when their wishes were fulfilled.

As an addition to the deepening of the cooperation between NIO Power and Metro, the two parties jointly launched an exclusive cooperation benefit for users – the 60-day Metro In-Depth Membership Experience Card, which can be received by car owners and co-owners. (The experience card will be issued on May 16, and can be viewed on the homepage of the NIO App Car Mall – Metro Benefits page)

The completion of 1,400 power swap stations is inseparable from the support and help of partners. NIO Power cooperates with many parties to jointly promote the construction of a convenient and efficient power swap network. Cooperate with leading energy companies such as Sinopec and Shell to accelerate the layout of power stations and help achieve the double carbon goal; Cooperate with provincial expressway management companies to provide users with more convenient high-speed battery replacement services; Cooperate with enterprises such as large shopping mall complexes to allow more users to live in “power-up housing-zone”.


With the continuous deployment of battery swapping stations, battery swapping has become the preferred power-up method for more and more users. User battery swapping accounts for more than 60% of the vehicle’s power source, with a total of over 22 million battery swaps, and an average of nearly 50,000 battery swaps per day. On average, every 1.9 seconds, a car is fully charged from the battery swap station, and more and more users like battery swap.

The layout of NIO’s battery swap network not only provides better power-on guarantee, but also provides better support for battery upgrades. So far, it has provided a total of 76,131 battery upgrade services, helping more users expand their travel circles and explore distant places.

As of May 15, NIO has deployed 1,403 battery swap stations across the country, including 374 high-speed swap stations, 2,580 charging stations, and 15,312 charging piles. The exchangeable and upgradeable energy service experience makes adding electricity more convenient than refueling.