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NIO applied for multiple GPT trademarks | Another big move?



It is learned on May 22 from Shenzhen Business Daily that Shanghai NIO Automobile Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “NIO”) has recently applied for a number of GPT trademarks, including “KnowmeGPT”, “NIOGPT” and “NOMIGPT” trademarks. The international classification involves social services, building repairs, scientific instruments, etc., and the current status of trademarks are all under pending.

According to analysts at Gasgoo Research Institute, NIO’s move may be to lay out a large GPT model and use the same algorithm as ChatGPT to achieve similar functions. Gasgoo Automotive Research Institute believes that it is necessary for car companies to deploy GPT large models, which are the “basis of intelligence.”

Some market participants believe that the competition for smart cars has entered the second half, that is, smart cars. This year, the emergence of the large-scale generative model ChatGPT has created a whirlwind in the AI market and also detonated the car circle. In the future, OEMs may need to combine AI large models to increase efficiency, from product design, drawing, demand design, and platform design, to APP development and middleware development and testing.

It is understood that after the release of ChatGPT, many domestic companies have successively released GPT-like large models, including Baidu, Alibaba, iFLYTEK (002230) and so on. The market participant said that if NIO’s application for the GPT trademark is not for defensive registration considerations, but plans to develop GPT, then perhaps this will be the beginning of car companies’ deployment in this field.