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XYEHang reported the signing ceremony of the aviation industry project in Lichuan, creating a win-win future together

On May 25, XYEHang reported the recent signing ceremony of the aviation industry project in Lichuan, creating a win-win future together.


On May 17, 2023, Guangxi Lianchuang EHang Aviation Technology Co., Ltd. and Lichuan Longchuantiao Tourism Development Co., Ltd. held an aviation industry project signing ceremony in Lichuan.

The two parties reached an agreement on the specific cooperation details of the aviation industry project in Icheon City, and successfully signed the contract.

This cooperation will promote the implementation of projects such as general aviation airports and UAV production, and create a platform for the aviation industry in Central China.

The signing ceremony was highly valued by the Lichuan Municipal Government.
Secretary, Mayor Xiong Xiang, Deputy Mayor Zhu Dingpan and heads of relevant departments attended the signing ceremony.

Guan Xiwen, Vice Chairman of Lianchuang EHang Aviation, Tian Xianglin, Vice Chairman, Huang Wenting, President of XYEHang, and Yao Rubo, Chief Financial Officer attended and witnessed the signing ceremony.

The focus of the cooperation between the two parties is to build an aviation industry platform in Central China in Lichuan City. The cooperation involves the construction and operation of general aviation airports, new media in the air, the creation of smart cities, research and education, and the development of aviation events and other industries.

The aviation industry has broad development prospects, attracting more and more enterprises and government organizations to participate in it. The two parties will jointly explore the vast low-altitude resources, and lead the rich and diversified consumption formats.

Lianchuang EHang Aviation signing an aviation industry project with Lichuan Longchuantiao Tourism Development Company marks an important step in the cooperation between the two parties in the aviation industry in Central China. This cooperation will inject new impetus into the economic development of Lichuan City and Central China, and open up a broader space for the innovative development of the aviation industry. The two parties will give full play to their respective advantages and jointly promote the vigorous development of the aviation industry in Central China.